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Product Status

Status field in get brand API’s

ACTIVE - Brand is active, vouchers can be generated for the brand

INACTIVE - Vouchers can’t be generated for the brand

Denomination Type

Present in brand API’s

FIXED - Vouchers can only be generated for the denominations provided

FLEXIBLE - Voucher of any amount between the specified min - max can be generated

Card Type

Credentials needed by customer to redeem the voucher

CARD_NUMBER_SECURED - User can just use the card number while redeeming

PIN_NO_SECURED - User can just use the card pin while redeeming

CARD_AND_PIN_NO_SECURED - User needs to use both card number and pin to redeem

Redemption Type

Mode of redemption

OFFLINE - Voucher can be used only at offline stores

ONLINE - Voucher can only be used online

ONLINE_AND_OFFLINE - Voucher can be redeemed at both online and offline stores

Order Status

Status returned on get order and place order API’s

SUCCESS - Voucher generation is successful, voucher data will be present in the vouchers list

FAILED - Voucher generation failed

PROCESSING - Voucher is being generated, status can either be polled by the client / client can listen to the order reached terminal state webhook

CANCELLED - Voucher is cancelled as per client request

REVERSED - Voucher is reversed as per client request